showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Heracles no Eikou: Toujin Makyouden  Data East1987An early [game=#7747]Dragon Quest[/game] clone in a setting referring to Greek mythology. As in the first "Dragon Quest" game you control only one character, battling evil creatures, grinding levels, buying equipment and so on. However there is no shifting between a town and overworld. Towns are integrated full-size into the world. Sadly there is no English translation or walkthrough available yet, making it nearly impossible to play for non-Japanese speaking people. So I was not really able to really understand the game. It has the typical downsides of early RPGs like suddenly super-strong enemies when walking a few steps too far from town and lots of xp grinding necessary. The setting and everything else at least looked interesting and I will definitely check out this game again when a walkthrough appears. labelimageminimize
Heracles no Eikou II: Titan no Metsubou  Data East1989 labelimageminimize